1897 Official Guide to the Klondyke Country...

(Alaska - Gold Rush) Conkey, W.B. and Co. OFFICIAL GUIDE TO THE KLONDYKE COUNTRY AND GOLD FIELD OF ALASKA. (title page) THE OFFICIAL GUIDE TO KLONDYKE COUNTRY AND THE GOLD FIELDS OF ALASKA WITH THE OFFICIAL MAPS - VIVID DESCRIPTIONS AND THRILLING EXPERIENCES. THE MOST COMPLETE AND THOROUGHLY EXHAUSTIVE COLLECTION OF EVERY KNOWN INFORMATION NECESSARY TO A FULL REALIZATION OF THE IMMENSE RESOURCES OF THE GOLD FIELDS OF ALASKA, AND REPLETE WITH AUTHENTIC INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING HOW TO GET THERE , WHEN TO GO, AND WHAT TO DO WHEN THE NEW EL DORADO OF THE GREAT NORTHWEST IS REACHED. 1897. 1ST. 296 pgs. frontis, 7 maps, illus., ports. Lg fold-out color map details North American Transportation Company's map of Alaska and route by steamer to the Yukon gold fields along with panels showing maps of three overland routes from Juneau to Lewes River and the gold fields. Tourville 1001. Wickersham 3906. Ricks p. 164. Smith 1957. Vg cond.