Stone-mason Anson A. Brooks ledger from Westbrook, Connecticut. According to the ledger he also worked in surrounding towns including Guilford, Clinton and Saybrook. (As an aside, today Guilford is known as the Connecticut town with the most restored salt-box homes… I wonder how many of these he worked on?) The majority of the dates are from the 1840's, 1850's and 1860's, although there are some that fall outside of that perimeter. Brooks was born April 18, 1814 and lived until the age of 83 dying on April 14, 1898. He is buried in the Indian River Cemetery at Clinton, Middlesex County, Connecticut. Brooks’ identifies the various individuals whom he worked for, the jobs he performed plus his pay which was cash and or occasionally barter and cash. Examples would be: August 1842 "To six days work laying stone." June 15, 1844 "Mr. Johnathan Bishop - Westbrook, Ct. to 3 days work - $3.75." May 24, 1854 "To one day work on Schoolhouse - $2.25." April 5, 1855. Mr. Andrew Spencer... To 14 feet of cut stone 3.50" To 3 Still steps – 2.25 To 9 cords of underpinning @ 1.75 - 15.75" May 15, 1857 - Baptist Church - Saybrook - To A. A. Brooks Dr. "To 7 3/4 days work $3.25/100 $25.17" Sept. 12, 1858 - Mr. Bailey To A. A. Brooks Dr. "To 3 1/2 days work on chimney $11.57 1/2" "To 3 1/2 do my Son @ 2.25 $7.87 1/2" It is interesting that with this Sept.12th labor he was partially paid with 5 bushels of oats - 2.25 Oct. 15 - by 2 pigs - $10.00 May 22 - 1869. Capt. J Lenison to A.A. Brooks Dr. “to 1 1/2 days work building chimney $5.00 May 25 by cash $5.00" April 4, 1871 Joseph Stevens - A.A. Brooks Dr. "One year house rent - $30.00" There are 132 pages in the ledger(6" x 8") of which 103 are used. The condition of the ledger is as expected, very worn with the leather spine mostly missing. Marble boards with the front board still barely attached. The interior is in vg cond and quite legible.