PICTORIAL MILEAGE ROAD BOOK – EVERY MILE A PICTURE. THE CALIFORNIA EDITION. The Motogram Company. Richmond, Cal. 1915. Cloth wrap. 304 pgs. Hundreds of advertisements, the STATE OF CALIFORNIA MOTOR VEHICLE ACT, 1913 (pgs. 5-17) and index to cities. Of the 32 maps the first is from Oakland to Martinez and the last being from Merced to Fresno. Also are two index maps. “EVERY MILE A PICTURE. Actual photographs are taken over the windshield of an automobile, and show the road mile after mile AS THE DRIVER SEES IT. ….The unique value of the Pictorial Mileage Road Book is that it enables one to plan a tour intelligently, to carry it out with certainty, and to have a permanent pictorial record of the whole trip.” Front hindge spolit, overall in vg cond.