(African - American) CHRISTY'S PANORAMA SONGSTER. CONTAINING THE SONGS AS SUNG BY THE CHRISTY, CAMPBELL, PIERCE'S MINSTRELS, AND SABLE BROTHERS. Pub. by William H. Murphy. Pit. wraps. Nd. c. 1850. Frontis titled THE CACHUCA by G.N. Christy. Book complete but pages start at 71 to 136 and in several places the numbering is not chronological. Forty-nine songs in ethnic dialect including Young Clem Brown; The Colored Fancy Ball, Virginia Juba; Jim Crow's Ramble; The Henpecked Nigga; Skiddy, Iddy, Di Do; De Poor Nigga Boy; Laughing Joe; Rosa's Wedding Day; Love Not; Black Sam, etc. Expected very minor wear. Vg cond.