Colbert'S Envelope Manufactory Printing Office

Colbert’s Envelope Manufactory Printing Office advertisement from Colton’s Atlas of America. J.H. Colton and Company. New York: J.H. Colton and Company. London: Trubner and Company. 1st. 1856 with an 1855 copyright. Within this atlas Colton sold various advertisements for Philadelphia firms along with printing maps of North and South America. This ad for Colbert’s Envelope Manufactory Printing Office was considered to be a single page “business card” illustrated lithograph ad with colored lettering. The ad measures approx. 16” x 13 ½’ and framed 24 ½” x 21”. It has been professionally framed. Colton states in this atlas that the printing was limited to one thousand copies, “and distributed gratuitously, for the interest of the advertisers therein, to leading Hotels and Steamers, throughout the country….” An actively detailed lithograph surrounded by advertisement of all the “Plain and Ornamental Job Printing” which the company could produce. “PRINTING IN GOLD, SILVER, CRIMSON AND COLORS, ENVELOPE PRINTING. …. ENVELOPES of all qualities and descriptions, viz: for Homeopathic Medicines, with or without self-sealed and printed directions, for putting up medicines for sending abroad. SALT AND FLOUR BAGS, & C., MANUFACTURED AND PRINTED AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND IN ALL COLORS. Very good condition, professionally framed.