Connecticut - East Haddam - 1804

East Haddam, Connecticut Probate Will
A fascinating probate will of John Whittlesey for his widow Dolly Whittlesey of East Haddam, Connecticut. Adopted from English common law the widow and minor children had the right of dower granted upon the passing of her husband. This particular right of dower indicates that John Whittlesey died intestate. This contract lays aside one third of his estate for the support of his widow which she will be able to use until her death. Upon her death the property would revert to her deceased husband’s children.
For the precise reason of preventing quarrels Dolly Whittlesey’s third was set forth in probate in a very specific manner as stated in this probate document.
We the subscribers being appointed by the Hon. Court of Probate for the District of East Haddam Distributers to Distribute and set off to the Widow one third of the real estate of John Whittlesey late of s’d E. Haddam decs’d have distributed and set off to s’d Widow Dolly Whittlesey as follows (vis.). The great room in the south west corner of the house and bedroom in the south east corner of the house, both on the lower floor, the Chamber in the south west corner of the house the same bigness as the great room under it with one half of the Closet room south of the south Chimney, twelve feet of the south end of the whole Cellar measuring North from the south Cellar wall. One third of the width of the house Lot on the south side running thro s’d Lot Easterly and Westerly with privileges of passing to and from the great room on the lower floor into the space way and out and in the fore door and out of s’d room thro the kitchen to and from s’d bedroom and out and in at the back door and up and down the Chamber stirs to and from s’d Chamber and also the Cellar stairs as occasion may require, and also a privilege from the back door to the well with the use of the well and also the privilege of washing and baking at the kitchen fire place once a week, having a privilege for the west part of the house, of a space way from the south Cellar door the same width as the door to the undistributed part of the Cellar and a privilege of passing to and from the Cellar stairs to the other part of the Cellar and a privilege from the back door to the well and the use of the well and also the privilege of a Cart way from the road south and East of the house sufficient to ____on the other part of the Lane.
S’d House and Lot is situated between the Landing and Chapman’s Ferry in s’d East Haddam.
Dated at East Haddam the 21st Feby 1804.
Signed Richard Green Wm. Gelaton Distribution under oath.
East Haddam, Middlesex County was incorporated as a separate town from Haddam in 1734. The reference to Chapman’s Ferry is that of Capt. John Chapman who began ferry service across the Connecticut River in 1695. Ferry service ended in 1913 with the completion of the swing bridge.
A legal page document, professional tape repair on main fold, several minor fold tears, very legible and in fine condition.