Connecticut Militia Records - 1835-1846

An original document of the Connecticut Militia from 1835 – 1846 in which hundreds of the soldiers and their officers are named. Quarto. This manuscript contains 142 unnumbered pages consisting chiefly of official records of regimental, brigade or company orders of soldiers of the 7th Company, 6th Division of the Connecticut Militia. The entries are filled in by numerous hands including Brigadier General, George C. Owen who became a postmaster in Connecticut. Laid in are several documents 1) 1 ALS, order for the Treasurer of Portland to pay George W. Pettis for storing state muskets, 71 in number, ...September 8, 1845; 2)1 ALS J. Barratt, M.D. declares John O’Neil with a “weakness and enlargement on the right side. He is unfit for the use of musketry and therefore unfit to do military duty.” Middletown. April 29, 1845; 3) A document showing military formation with listing of officers, signed by Capt. Chase on the verso; 4) a signed document for the “order for regiment to appear in Parade in Middletown on Oct. 9 ___.” Signed by Harley Case, Captain. 5) A printed company order for notice of Parade in Portland, unsigned, Harley Case, Captain of said Company. and 6) a command to Mi Geo, October 28, 1846, dated Portland for a fine of $4 for failure to appear at parade, signed by Harley Case, Captain. The ffep of the militia book is signed John C. Selden, Capt. 7th Company, 6th Regiment, Connecticut Militia Company Book, Bought May 1, 1835. The book is bound in ¾ calf over marbled boards, the spine somewhat fragile, but overall in vg cond. A significant Connecticut Militia Company manuscript book for both historical and genealogical research.
The book consist of:
1. (Manuscript) Over 130 pages of written records including hundreds of names and ranks of the militia in a period over a decade (1835-1846) containing an enormous amount of information.
2. (Manuscript) A list of 7th Reg’t members that neglected to appear according to Law that belong to the 7th Company 6th Regt on the 7th of May 1938.
3. (Manuscript) First Brigade, First Division, Connecticut State Infantry. Brigade Orders. Head Quarters, East Hartford. Aug. 10, 1835.
4. (Manuscript) Regimental Orders – 6th Reg. Infantry – First Brigade Head Quarters. Berlin 16th Aug. 1836. To Sergeant Horace Deming, 7th Batt. Company. Sept. 12, 1837.
5. (Manuscript) Military Orders to Edward C. Whitman Esq. Captain of the Batt Company 6 Reg. four Militia – Chatham. Regimental orders! – Berlin Sept. 1st 1836
6. (Manuscript) Company Order! To Either of Now Commissioned Officers of the 7th Company, 6th Reg. Infantry, Connecticut Militia. Sept. 24th 1836
7. (Manuscript) Sixth Reg. 1st Brigade, Conn Infantry. Regimental Order! Head Quarters. Berlin Sept 1st 1836.
8. (Manuscript) Fines Notified for 1836
9. (Manuscript) Company Order! 1837 “To either of the now commissioned Officers of the 7th Company 6th Regiment Connecticut Militia. You are hereby commanded to give legal Notice to all the members of 6th Company to appear at their usual place of parade, in front of Joseph Sage’s in Chatham, on Monday, the 1st day of may next at 8 o’clock A.M., uniformed armed and equipped as the law directs for Exercise inspection & review & to fill all vacancies. Edward C Whitmand Capt Comp
Chatham April 17, 1837 N.B. No Substitutes accepted.
10. (Manuscript) Members Enrolled – May 1st 1837.
11. (Printed broadside which has been pasted into the militia record.) STATE OF CONNECTICUT – GENERAL ORDERS. NEW-HAVEN, July 31st, 1837 to JAMES T. PRATT, Esq., Brigadier General, 1st Brigade Infantry by order of the Commander in Chief, SAMUEL L. PITKIN, Maj. Gen. and Adj. Gen. of Conn. ---------BRIGADE ORDERS, FIRST BRIGADE, CONNECTICUT INFANTRY. HEAD QUARTERS. Hartford, August 2nd, 1837 “The Commanders of the several Regiments in this Brigade are hereby directed to distribute, or cause to be distributed, a copy of the foregoing General Orders to each Commissioned and Staff Officer in their respective Regiments, and the several Recording Officers are hereby required to record the same, together with this Order, at length upon their Regimental and Company Records. JAMES T. PRATT, Brigadier General, 1st Brigade Infantry.
12. (Manuscript) Sixth Regiment Infantry 1st Brigade, 1st Division, Conn. Militia Regimental Orders. Head Quarters Berlin Aug. 17, 1837.
13. (Printed document pasted into the militia record.) FIRST BRIGADE, FIRST DIVISION CONNECTICUT MILITIA. BRIGADE ORDER. Head Quarters, Hartford, August 8th, 1838. By order of Brigadier General ANSEL HUMPHREYS. T.G. DRAKE, Aid-de-Camp.
14. (Manuscript) RECORDS of the 7th Company 6th reg. for 1839 A) Roll of Inspection 7th Co., 6th Reg. May 1839. B) Brigade Orders. First Brigade First division, Conn. Militia Head Quarters, East Windsor Hill. Sept. 11, 1839 C) Except List – Enrollment 7th Co. Corrected Sept. 1839. D) Enrollment 7th Co. Continued. Concerning with those Supposed To do duty. Being the Roll called Sept. 21 1839 and Sept. 26th 1839. E) Roll and Inspection, May 6. 1840. F) Exempt 7th Co. – Corrected May 6, 1840 G) Copy of Abstract of Company Return made from the foregoing Roll & Inspection & Exempt List May 1840 for Col. L.M. Haddick. H) Officer Drill Sept 15, 1840. Sixth Regiment Infantry. First Brigade, First Division Conn Militia. Regimental Orders. Head Quarters. Middletown Sept. 3, 1840. By Order of Col. Stephen M. Shaddick. With a listing of the officers. I) Company Order. To Either of the Non Commissioned Officers of the 7th Co. 6th Inft Conn. Militia. With a listing of the militia and also a listing titled Exempt List Corrected Sept. 19, 1840. J) Regimental Orders. 6th Reg. 1st Brig. Conn. State Inft. Head Quarters Middletown Sept. 17, 1840. By order of Col. Stephen M. Shaddick. K) Regimental Orders. Head Quarters. Middletown. Ap’l 23, 1841 By Order of Colonel Stephen M. Shaddick. L) Brigade Orders. First Brigade Connecticut Militia. Head Quarters, Wethersfield April 10th, 1841. Leonard R. Welles. Brig. Gen. 1st Brigade. M) Company Orders. Chatham 26th April 1841. Alfred Hall Capt. Of Comp.
15. (Manuscript) 1841. Roll of the 7th Co. Members liable. May 3d 1841 A) Roll of Inspection May 3d 1841. B) Exempt Roll of the 7th Co. 6th Reg. May 3d 1841. C) Abstract of Company Return Made May 25th 1841. The above true Copy Attest Alf Hall, Captain. Chatham May 25th 1841 D) Brigade Orders. First Brigade – Connecticut Militia. Head Quarters Wethersfield April 10, 1841 to Captain Alfred Hall from Leonard R. Welles. Brig. Gen. 1st Brigade. E) ___ Fund of the 7th Co. 6th Reg. 6th Inf’y from Oct. 13th 1839 to May 5th 1841 in account Current with Alf’d Hall, Capt. F) Officers Drill Sept. ___ 1841. Regimental Orders. Sixth Regiment Infantry First Brigade First Division Connecticut Militia. Head Quarters Middletown Sept. 8, 1841 G) Regimental Orders. First Brigade Connecticut State Infantry. Head Quarters, Middletown Sept. 3, 1841. H) Company Order. Portland April 26th 1842. I) Roll of the 7th Comp. May 2, 1842. J) Regimental Order. Sixth Regiment, First Brigade Connecticut Militia. Head Quarters Midd. Aug. 25, 1842. K) Roll Called Sept. 17th 1842. L) Exempt Roll. Sept. 1842. M) ___ Fund 7th Conn, 6 Regt. Inf’y. From Sept 10, 1842. N) Company Order. Portland April 4, 1845. O) Roll of the 7th Conn’t May 1st 1843. P) Roll & Inspection May 1 1845. Q) Exempt Roll May 1st 1843. R) Regimental Orders. Sixth Regiment first Brigade first Division Connecticut Militia. Head Quarters. Middletown Sept 9, 1843. S) Company Orders To either of the Non Commissioned Officers of the 7th Company 6th Regiment Infantry Connecticut Militia. Portland Sept. 18th 1843. T) Roll called Saturday 23rd Sept 1843. U) Brigade Orders. First Brigade Connecticut Militia. Head Quarters. Thompsonville. April 4, 1844.
16. 1844. ROLL OF THE 7TH Comp. May 6th 1844. A) Company Orders, September 11, 1844 B) Roll Called Sept. 21st 1844. C) Regimental Orders. Sixth regiment infantry first brigade first division Connecticut Militia. Head Quarters, Durham Sept. 9th, 1844.
17. 1844 Roll of the 7th Co. Members liable October 8th.
18. 1845 Roll and Inspection 19. Records of the 7th Company 6th Reg. to 1845. A) Company Orders – Sept. 13, 1845 B) Roll Inspection – Sept. 20, 1845. C) Regimental Orders. Sixth regiment infantry. First Brigade first Division Connecticut Militia. – Sept. 9th 1845.
20. Roll of the 7th Co. Members liable. Sept. 19, 1846.
Each of the Roll Calls list the recruits name along with the categories of Uniforms, Musket, Bayonet, Ramrod, ration box belt, pension, etc.