Descriptive of Fairbanks "Alaska's Golden Heart"

(Alaska) The Fairbanks Commercial Club. DESCRIPTIVE OF FAIRBANKS "ALASKA'S GOLDEN HEART". 1st. April 1916. 63 pgs. Pict. wraps, illus. plus one large folding photographic frontispiece (28" x 8 1/2") by Johnson of Fairbanks titled SOME OF THE EXHIBITS AT THE FIFTH ANNUAL TANANA VALLEY FAIR, HELD IN FAIRBANKS, SEPTEMBER, 1915, and one rear folding photograph (37 1/2" X 8") by photographer Floyd W. Sheelor of Valdez titled REAR VIEW OF TOWN OF FAIRBANKS, TAKEN FROM SCHOOLHOUSE CUPOLA. This Alaskan land promotional extols the importance of Fairbanks as it is negotiating to incorporate the narrow gauge Tanana Valley Railroad into the planed railroad route from Seward to Fairbanks. Contents include the story of the Banner Gold Camp of Alaska, soon to become the metropolis of an Inland Empire; the Government Railroad connecting the interior of Alaska with the coast and what it will mean to Fairbanks; Placer Mining - the leading industry; Quartz Mining; Farming and Agriculture; sports in summer and winter; hunting and fishing; Big Chena Hot Springs; what it costs to live in Fairbanks; the tourist's mecca; how mining claims are acquired and how a homestead is acquired. A very nice copy of a scarce Alaskan land promotional.