Eastern Rail-Road - 1848

EASTERN RAIL-ROAD. THREE TRAINS A DAY EXCEPT SUNDAYS... The 1st Train leaves Buffalo at 8 1-4 o'cl'k, A.M. .... An arrive at Rochester in 4 1/2 hours, and Albany or Troy in 22 hours, connecting with the Boats to New-York, and the Cars to Boston. ONE TRAIN ON SUNDAYS. Which leaves Buffalo at 7 o'clock, PM....Passengers will please procure Tickets at the Office. ALL THE TRAINS GO DIRECTLY THROUGH. BAGGAGE CHECKED TO ALBANY OR TROY. WM. WALLACE. Buffalo, July 1848. Steam Press of Seaver, Foy and Day, Courier Office.
5" x 8". Interesting train vignette with two people watching a steam train pass by. Very good condition.