F.O. Berg Co. Canvas Products Trade Catalog - #45

F.O. BERG CO. CANVAS PRODUCTS "ALL OVER EVERYTHING" (title page) F.O. BERG CO. PRESENTS CATALOGUE NO. 45 DEALING WITH TOOURISTS' AND CAMPERS' OUTFITS, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES; TENTS, COTTON DUCK, AWNINGS, BLANKETS, WATERPROOF CURTAINS, COVERS AND BAGS; HAMMOCKS, CANVAS GLOVES AND CANVAS PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS. We are the only Expert Builders of Circus, Gospel, Stable and Railroad Contractor's Tents West of the Missouri River. Distributors of Du Pont Fabrics and Auto Trimming Supplies. c. 1920. 52 pgs. Pict. wraps, totally illustrated, sizes, cost, index. Vg cond.