La Masoneria Segun Los masones - Por el Obispo De Sonora

Navarrete, Juan. "LA MASONERIA SEQUN LOS MASONES" ARTICULO DE LA AMERICAN ENCIDOPEDIA. El Paso. 1933. 100 pgs (3) pg. Printed wraps.
From the early 18th century, Catholics were prohibited from joining Masonic orders, but the popularity of freemasonry in the United States seems to have generated considerable interest among Spanish speakers. At least as early as 1818, publishers in the United States issued Spanish-language books explaining, supporting, and critiquing freemasonry. The translation of this extended article, apparently adapted from an encyclopedia, is credited to "el Obispo de Sonora," probably Juan Navarette, who occupied that post from 1919-1968. The work provides an extensive description of masonry, its organization, and activities, with the goal of dispelling any masonic "propaganda" that attempted to portray their groups simply as social and benevolent societies. The final section details the history of Catholic prohibitions against masonry. OCLC finds one copy in American institutions at the University of Texas.
Some minor spotting to wraps with expected minor wear. Overall in vg cond.