Landreth and Son. 102d Seed Catalog. 1886

LANDRETH AND SON. KITCHEN-GARDEN PRICED LIST OF LANDRETHS' AMERICAN PEDIGREE SEEDS, FOR THE SEASON OF 1886. 30 pgs., illus. testimonials. Landreth and Son were founded in 1784 and has listed as their clients such notables as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Joseph Bonaparte. Their "specialty is American seeds for the American climate." Contents include Vegetable Seeds and Their Latest Prices as of December 1st, 1885; Flower Seeds, Fresh and of the Purest Quality; One Dollar Collection of Flower Seeds; Most Costly Varieties of Flower Seeds; Field and Agricultural Seed, &C; three pages of implements for garden use. Special emphasis is placed on the History of a Cabbage Seed. Landreth's Cauliflower; Bloomsdale Extra Early Pearl Onion Sets and The "Landreth" Winter Wheat. Order blank and envelope with stamp laid in. The back cover is a Bird's-Eye View of the Central Portion of Bloomsdal Seed Farm. OCLC records none of this edition. Vg cond.