Lincoln Assassination and the Widespread Anti-Catholic Sentiment In The United States

(Anti-Catholic - Jesuits) McCarty, Burke. Ex-Romanist. THE SUPPRESSED TRUTH ABOUT THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 1ST. 1922. Washington: Burke McCarty, 1922. 272pp. Printed stapled wraps., illus.
The privately-printed first edition of this thorough "exposé" of the Jesuits' purported role in the Lincoln assassination, indicative of the widespread anti-Catholic sentiment in the United States in the 1920s. McCarty asserts that the crime was ordered by Pope Pius IX in accordance with the thoroughly debunked "Secret Treaty of Verona." Included in his vast body of dubious evidence are the text of the so- called "Jesuit Oath" (in which the oath taker purportedly swears to "spare neither sex, age nor condition; and that [he] will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the wall"), proof of the papally-decreed "assassinations" of William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, and correspondence between Jefferson Davis and the Vatican. McCarty closes the work, which is dedicated "to the voters of to- morrow," by outlining the subtle and nefarious deeds of Catholic senators and representatives currently in Congress.
The "ex-Romanist" McCarty was also a writer for the CHICAGO DAILY SOCIALIST and an active member of the Chicago Socialist Party in the early 20th century. Scarce - Rare Book Hub records only a single copy of this edition, offered by Goodspeed's in 1952. MONAGHAN 2589 (note). OCLC 2661625. Expected very minor wear, overall in vg cond.