Logging Creek, Montana Mining Camp Photo - 1909

Hunt,George A.(lexander). An oblong silver gelatin (4 x 16 inches ..mounted 9 x 20 inches) Montana mining photo with the manuscript on the back identifying it as: "This is a camp eleven miles from logging creek Mont. Gold mining camp taken in 1909. Geo A.(lexander) Hunt." A scarce panoramic photo with nice composition documenting one of the many gold mining camps which littered the Little Belt Mountains near Logging Creek, MT, including Lucky Strike, Black Diamond, Dacotah, Eighty-Eight, Hegner Group plus others. The camp centered in the image setting on a bluff, includes log structures, stacks of logs, tents, and even miner driving horse drawn wagon and team. Gold production from the Little Belt Mountain mines from 1902 to 1948 as 28,010 ounces total, and many of the mines in the area produced silver and lead. Hunt (1885-1938) worked in and around Billings, Yellowstone, Teton and Great Falls, as driver and warehouse man for Runaker and Winter Hardware Co. (Source: Phyllis Hargrave, Michael Kerschen, et al, Abandoned-Inactive Mines on Lewis and Clark National Forest-Administered Land, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report MBMG 413) Slight spotting to upper fore-edge of image, wear to studio board corners, overall in vg cond. with great contrast.