Manitoba, and the North-West of the Dominion - 1876

Spence, Thomas. MANITOBA, AND THE NORTH-WEST OF THE DOMINION, ITS RESOURCES AND ADVANTAGES TO THE EMIGRANT AND CAPITALIST, AS COMPARED WITH THE WESTERN STATES OF AMERICA; ITS CLIMATE, SOIL, AGRICULTURE, AND MANUFACTURING FACILITIES, ITS UNPARALLELED SALUBRITY, GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVENESS, AND THE ELEMENTS OF ITS FUTURE GREATNESS AND PROSPERITY. THE LAND POLICY, LATEST INFORMATION, CHEAPEST AND BEST WAY TO GET TO MANITOBA. WHAT IS REQUIRED, AND HOW TO FARM, & O. 1876. S. Marcotte, Printer. 2nd enlarged and best edition. 36 pgs. Printed wraps, pullout map titled MAP OF CANADA AND PART OF THE UNITED STATES COMPILED FROM THE LATEST AUTHORITIES 1874. Chapter titled Manitoba and the North-West of the Dominion contains a typical home plan, tables, mileage charts, system of survey chart, cost of what is needed to get started farming, etc. Chip to upper right corner of cover, several old library stamps, overall in nice condition. OCLC locates two copies.