Mexico - Documents Relativos A La Reunion En Esta Capital De Los Gobernadores....
![Mexico - Documents Relativos A La Reunion En Esta Capital De Los Gobernadores....](/media/img/documentow.jpg)
Mexico: DOCUMENTOS RELATIVOS A LA REUNION EN ESTA CAPITAL DE LOS GOBERNADORES DE LOS ESTADOS, CONVOCADOS PARA PROVEER A LAS EXIGENCIAS-- DEL ERARIO FEDERAL. Mexico: J.M. Lara, 1851. Contemporary dark marbled boards and gilt- decorated quarter leather spine [edge-rubbed]. pp vii, [1 blank], 39, [1 blank], 41-72, 53, [1 blank] + 2 folding charts, 14, 34 + 6 folding charts, 31, [1 blank] + 2 folding charts, 53, [1 blank] + 3 folding charts, 14, [2 Index].
The documents are bound together with separate titles and title pages, as issued; they include charts, tables, and text accounts of taxes collected, financial records, quotas, data from the Minister of the Army and Navy, and other official material. Vg cond.