Mountain States Oil Index - 1926

MOUNTAIN STATES OIL INDEX. STATISTICAL DESCRIPTIVE ILLUSTRATED COMPENDIUM. COMPLETE AND AUTHENTIC SURVEY OF THE OIL, GAS AND ALLIED TRADES RELATING TO ALL OPERATIONS IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION, COMPRISING THE STATE OF WYOMING, MONTANA, COLORADO, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA, UTAH, NEVADA, IDAHO, NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH DAKOTA, WESTERN NEBRASKA, WESTERN KANSAS AND THE TEXAS PANHANDLE. A.J. Hazlett, Publisher. Vol. 1 of what was intended to be an annual directory, but evidently the only edition published. 1st. 1926. Printed wraps.106 pgs. As the publisher proclaims on the first page, “This book is a gusher of information.” It provides an alphabetical listing of more that 750 oil and gas producing companies, refineries, natural gas plants, marketing companies, supply houses, carbon black works, brokerage firms, etc, in the states across the Rockies, Southwest, and Plains. Each listing includes the company name and address(es), amount of capital authorized and issued, par value, state of incorporation, , officers, and locations of principal properties. There is also a statistical table with information on pipelines, refineries and production in Wyoming, Montana and the Rockies. Advertisements. Vg cond. Rare, OCLC list only two copies.