Mr. Greeley's Record - Amnesty and Reconstruction

MR. GREELEY'S RECORD ON THE QUESTION OF AMNESTY AND RECONSTRUCTION, FROM THE HOUR OF GEN. LEE'S SURRENDER. 24 pgs. Printed wraps. New York, June 1, 1872 "It has been widely asserted, since the Cincinnati nominations, that Mr. Greeley has been a consistent enemy of the South. If this means only that he was hostile to Slavery while it existed, and an early advocate of Emancipation and Enfranchisement for the Blacks, it is true; not otherwise. The following compilation, from THE TRIBUNE, of Mr. Greeley's most notable utterances on the subjects of Amnesty and Reconstruction, from the news of Gen. Lee's surrender onward, is respectfully submitted." Contents of Mr. Greeley's speeches which appeared in THE TRIBUNE are: 10th of May, 1865 -MAGNANIMITY IN TRIUMPH; 10th day of April, 1865: RECONSTRUCTION; Nov. 27th: THE TRUE BASES OF RECONSTRUCTION; June 10, 1871: EXTRACT FROM MR. GREELEY'S SPEECH. Also, a short section titled NEW-YORK TRIBUNE - DURING THE CAMPAIGN. Vg cond.