Murray - Travels In North America

Murray, Esq. F.R.S.E. Hugh. Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels In North America; Including The United States, Canada, The Shores of the Polar Sea, and The Voyages In Search Of A North-West Passage. Longman, Rees, Orem, Brown, etc. 1st. 1829, full leather with usual wear, overall in vg cond. 2 vols. Vol. 1; 530 pgs. Vol. 2: 556 pgs. Foldout map. Howes M914. Covers areas including America Before and After the Revolution; Settlement of the Western Territory; Discoveries in the Regions Beyond the Mississippi; Early English Voyages; Expeditions Along the North-West Coast of America; Arctic Land Expeditions; Political System of the United States; Moral and Social State; Emigration to America' American Canals; etc.