One Wagon Every Twenty Minutes"

Mitchell, Lewis and Co. MITCHELL, LEWIS AND CO’S ANNUAL 1882 FOR THE FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Containing Practical Statistics and Useful Information for All Classes. Mitchell, Lewis and Co. MANUFACTURERS OF FARM AND SPRING WAGONS AND BUGGIES. Racine, Wis. 1st. 1882. Pict. Stiff wraps, 48 pgs., illustrations and descriptions.
A scarce catalog annual from the the Mitchell, Lewis and Co., founded by Henry Mitchell, who migrated from Scotland to Chicago in 1834. “His name is intimately connected with the history of wagon manufacture in the West” In 1839 Mitchell moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin and then to Racine. The firm had the capacity to turn out one wagon every twenty minutes, with an average production rate of 800 wagons each month at which time they were sold worldwide. Loads of information including live stock rations, the 1882 monthly calendar including the moon’s phases, articles forbidden in foreign mails, rule for gauging a bin, crib or wagon box of corn in the ear, measurement of hay, the origin of plants, quantity of seed to plant in a garden, ages of animals, weights and measures, etc. See, Willshire – The History of Racine & Kenosha Counties 459. Vg cond.