Photo of The Georgetown Railroad Loop - 1884

THE GEORGETOWN RAILROAD LOOP. 1884. 5" x 8" photograph. The Georgetown Loop was completed for the narrow gauge Colorado Central Railroad in 1884. Considered an engineering marvel of its time, it connected the two mining towns of Georgetown and Silver Plume, only two miles apart but separated by the steep, narrow Clear Creek. To connect them, engineers designed a corkscrew route that traveled nearly four miles, gaining more than 600 feet in elevation. It included horseshoe curves, grades up to four percent, and four bridges across Clear Creek, including a massive Devil's Gate High Bridge, one of the early Colorado visitors attractions. This view shows nearly the whole route, all four bridges with the Devil's Gate Bridge in the foreground and one of the towns in the distance. Three trains can be observed along the route. Verso stamp of Barkalow Bros. of Denver on back panel. Very minor foxing to bottom edge else in fine condition.