Scenes On The High Drive - North Cheyenne and Bear Creek Canons - 1907

Lavley, J.E. SCENES ON THE HIGH DRIVE; NORTH CHEYENNE AND BEAR CREEK CANONS. H.H. Tammen Curio Co. 1st. 1907. Beautiful pict. Wraps. 29 scenic photographs of the major natural sites and formations such as Sentinel Rock, Devils’ Slide, The Head of Sorrowful Satan, Bridal Veil Falls, Silver Cascades, Sand Stone Cliff, etc. The title page states “The book will be atreasured souvenir and will many times in the future recall the pleasures of the drive as well as be a welcomed gift book to convey to the folks at home an idea of these wonderful scenes. The photographs are inadequate and language incomplete to do full justice to the grandeur of these scenes, as they fail to produce the feelings ofdelight and awe invariably experienced by the beholder of this panorama of nature’s gift to man.” Vg cond.