Seattle to the Nome Gold Coast - 1900

Richardson, Wm. D., Publisher. SEATTLE TO THE NOME GOLD COAST. Published Expressly For PACIFIC CLIPPER LINE - CAPE NOME STEAMERS, SEATTLE, U.S.A. (title page) SEATTLE TO THE NOME GOLD COAST. PACIFIC CLIPPER LINE - SEATTLE, WASH. Press of Denny-Coryell Company. February 1900. 44 pp + 20 pp of ads + ads on the back cover and both the inside front and back covers, photos. Sections concerning the steamship line and its officers; mining and various methods of mining; some of the “rich” creeks in the Nome District; dates of sailing during the 1900 season; how to stake out and file a mining claim; what to take to Nome; transportation, and a few Alaska “facts”. Photographs include those of Nome. The Pacific Clipper Line steamers that went to Nome included the G.W. Dickinson, Chas. Nelson, Cleveland, Resolute and Walla Walla. The company also acted as agents for the S.S. Humboldt, the Alaska Flyer, between Seattle and Skagway every ten days. The company’s offices in 1900 were 87 on Arlington Dock, Seattle, with the city ticket office at 622 First Avenue. An attractive, rare piece of Alaska promotional ephemera with no copies for sale online (Nov 2019) and only four listed in OCLC (Univ. of AK, Huntington, Southern Oregon University & University of Washington). Expected minor wear, overall in vg cond.