Texas Insurrection - 1835
THE ORIGIN AND TRUE CAUSES OF THE TEXAS INSURRECTION, COMMENCED IN THE YEAR 1835. Dbd. 32 pgs. "The following review of the origin and causes of the Texas Insurrection, which now seems to threaten event the tranquillity of the United States, was originally published in the Philadelphia "National Gazette," in a series of Numbers, over the signature of "Columbus." With the hope that the exposition, furnished in these essays, may be serviceable in making proper impressions on the minds of the Philanthrophic citizens of this nation, it ahs been deemed advisable to republish them, in pamphlet form. The subject, which which they refer, is one of vital importance to the cause of Liberty and Human Rights, and merits the attention of every true patriot and Christian republican." Philadelphia, May, 1836. VIII chapters all titled Texas Insurrection. Expected toning, overall in vg cond.