The Carriage Monthly, A Practical Journal For all Interested In Carriage-Building. Vol. XV. April 1879 - March 1880

THE CARRIAGE MONTHLY, A PRACTICAL JOURNAL FOR ALL INTERESTED IN CARRIAGE-BUILDING. VOLUME XV. APRIL 1879, TO MARCH 1880. Philadelphia. I.D. Ware, Pub. 1st. 1880. Twelve issues, a complete year, bound in a leather and marbled boards.
Initially published by I.D. Ware in Philadelphia IN 1865, THE CARRIAGE MONTHLY, flourished in the prosperous years immediately following the Civil War. The magazine’s distinguishing feature was its tinted plates, or “ fashion plates” which depicted carriages of all sorts including surreys, cabriolets, phaetons, gigs, omnibuses, rockaways, landaus, etc. Within this volume are 48 “fashion plates” featuring 96 different carriage designs and information concerning their specific specifications. THE CARRIAGE MONTHLY also features information relating to carriage construction, wood working, smithing, painting and carriage trim all of which are profusely illustrated. There is an index for the year listing the “fashion plates”, Illustrations, and articles pertaining to the Wood Department, Smith Department, Paint Department, Trimming Department, Correspondence Department, Editorial Department and Miscellaneous. The magazine also has numerous testimonials along with mechanical measured illustrations of various carriages and information gathered from around the country. Each facing page illustrations are separated by tissue paper.
Originally the Coach-Maker’s International Journal (1865-1873) and later The Vehicle Monthly (1916-1930), this incarnation of the magazine provides an unparalleled window into the world of late 19th century personal transportation. Scarce. Quarto, boards rubbed but vg cond, interior in vg cond. Title page and index bound in.