(The Environment) EARTH FIRST

(The Environment) EARTH FIRST

(The Environment) EARTH FIRST was a radical environmental advocacy group originating in the Southwester United States. Founded in 1980 by Dave Foreman, Mike Roselle, Howie Wolke, Bart Koehler and Ron Kezar, it became an alternative to mainstream environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society. The founders believed that the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society were in the hands of the politicians and thus not entirely concerned about the environment.


We are offering two issues of EARTH FIRST newspaper. The first being:


EARTH FIRST. MABON EDITION. September 21, 1982. Vol. II. No. VIII. 11 pgs. Photos,

illustrations and numerous articles including An Environmental Strategy For The '80's; Dear Ned Ludd - "Road Spiking"; Bob Marshall's 1936 Roadless Area Inventory and Foreman Runs for Sierra Club National Board. Vg cond.


EARTH FIRST. EOSTAR EDITION. March 21, 1983. Vol. III, No. III. 19 pgs. Photos, illustrations and numerous articles including Salt lake Arrests; Blockade Updates; A Proposal For A Deciduous Forest Ecosystem Preserve and Free Navajo Sam.


Both volumes, vg cond.

$ 165.00
# 3077
(The Environment) EARTH FIRST