The Expeditions Of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, To Headwaters Of The Mississippi River, Through Louisiana Territory, And In New Spain, During The Years 1805-6-7
Coues, Elliott

Francis P. Harper. 1895. 1st. 3 vols. 955 pgs. Vol. 1: Frontis. Vol. 3: map and index. Also, an abstract of the nations of Indians on the Mississippi and its confluent streams, from St. Louis to its source, including Red Lake and Lower Red River. Also, a statistical abstract of the Indians who inhabit that part of Louisiana visited by Captain Z.M. Pike in his tour of discovery in the years 1806 and 1807. This is the New Edition, now first reprinted in full from the original of 1810, with copious critical commentary, memoir of Pike, new map and other illustrations and compleat index. Howes p. 372; Dobie p.88; Rader #2675; Wagner-Camp #9. 1 of 1150 ltd ed. Dj chips. Vg cond.