THE SPIDER AND FLY – UNRECORDED TEMPERANCE BROADSIDE THE SPIDER AND FLY. THE ADVERTISER takes this opportunity of informing his Friends and a DISCERNING Public, that he continues the trade of making Drunkards, Paupers, Thieves, Beggars, Adulterers, and Murderers. on the most REASONABLE TERMS, WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. He may be found at all hours in his shop, by night or day, SUNDAY NOT EXCEPTED! HE KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND AS GOOD AN ASSORTMENT OF DISEASES AS CAN BE FOUND IN TOWN OR COUNTRY; SUCH AS CONSUMPTION, PALSY, APOPLEXY, DELIRIUM TREMENS, FEVERS OF ALL KINDS, AND IN THE HIGHEST ACTIVITY, TOGETHER WITH MANY OTHER DISORDERS, Too numerous to mention in the limits of this Advertisement. The Advertiser is certain that no man sells more active POISON, breaks more Hearts, or beggars more Families than he does. In order to do business in a genteel way, he has taken his new License from the Excise Office, so that now he has full power to Wound, Maim, Beggar and Kill just as many as the Public good requires for the increase of its revenue. He is particularly anxious to see Tradsmen, and all others on Saturday evenings, after they receive their Wages -- and he begs to assure those poor fellows, that they shall have a warm reception and a hearty welcome in his house as long as their Money lasts. The Advertiser being particularly anxious to keep a snug cheerful company, he requests that no Tradesman's Wife will darken his doors by coming to look for her husband. Her appearance might alarm CONSCIENCE, which it is to the Advertiser's Interest to keep sound asleep. N.B. Satisfactory Reference can be given to the Poor-house, the Lunatic Asylum, the Workhouse, the Hospital, the Dispensary, the County Jail,and House of Correction, or to the Gallows. (The above is followed by several paragraphs under the title of APPLICATION) "..... May the mercy of God forward the efforts which are not made to circulate the blessings of Temperance throughout our land, and incline the hearts of all ranks and classes, boldly to come forward at this crisis, and to act on the safe and salutary principle, which this paper humbly comments to their notice and adoption. London: J.V. Quick and New York. RePublished, and for sale by Burgess, Stringer & Co., 222 Broadway, corner of Ann-street; C.S. Francis, 252 Broadway; and A.V. Blake, 77 Fulton-Street, C. 1830-40's. Illus. with a woodcut of a spider in its web, munching on a fly, while other flies await their fate. This image is a reference to THE SPIDER AND THE FLY by Mary Howitt's 1929 poem about a spider who seduces a fly into its web, and softly promises "within my pantry, good store of all that's nice." Broadside, 18 1/2" h. x 13 5/8" w. Minor foxing and toning to be expected, overall in vg cond. $2995.00

$ 2,995.00
# 3087