Travels In North America In The Years 1780, 1781, 1782
Chastellux, Marquis Francois de

G.G.J. and J. Robinson. 1787. 1st English ed. 2 vols. Vol. 1 462 pgs., two folding maps, 1 Chart for the Journal of Chastellux by Mr. Dezoteux, Staff Officer of the French Army, Chesapeake Bay. 2 - Chart For the Journal of Chastellux, by Mr. Dezoteux, Staff Officer in the French Army, Philadelphia to Ticonderoga. Vol. 2 432 pgs. 3 folding plates. 1. Geometrical Plan of the Natural Bridge in Virginia. 2. Perspective Taken From Point A (same bridge), 3. Perspective Taken From Point B (same bridge). Both volumes have facsimiles of the book plate of Sir Robert Johnson Eden, Bart., Governor of Maryland. The most valuable of all the other editions of which there were several. This is one of the most interesting of all the personal narratives of the American revolution and in its completed form constitutes the first trustworthy record of life in the United States. The Chevalier de Chastellux (1734-1788) was a career officer in the French Army, joining at the age of 13. In addition, however, he became an accomplished linquist and writer, distinguished alike for his military, technical, literary and dramatic writings. In 1780 he was sent to America as a major general, third in hierarchy of rank, and came to be known as "The Diplomat of Rochambeau's Army." His celebrated account of his years in revolutionary America are now considered the best outsider's view of life in those eventful times. Many important economic, social and personal facts are recorded; the character of the country and of the men who directed the war and formation of a government are described; there are many acecdotes and not a few acute speculations. Chastellux traveled extensively throughout Virginia, including a visit with Jefferson at Monticello and New England. Other valuable data is a series of incidents in the life of Arnold not generally known. Tells of his visit with General Washington, with Mrs. Bache, daugheter of Benjamin Franklin, visit with Samuel Adams, with the Marquis de la Lafayette and of many of the forts and battlefields where the Revolutionary War had been fought. Eberstadt 121:74; Howes C334-d; Decker 31:65; Sabin #12229; Paullin #529. Rebound in brown leather with title on red label on spine. Vg copies.