'Uncle Dick' Wooton. The Pioneer Frontiersman Of The Rocky Mountain Region. An Account Of The Adventures And Thrilling Experiences Of The Most Noted American Hunter, Trapper, Guide, Scout And Indian Fighter Now Living
Conrad, Howard Louis

W.E. Dibble and Co. 1890. 1st. 473 pgs. Frontis (tissue), illus. Cazedessus II "Known as 'cut hand', his first trapping venture was in 1837 out of Bent's Fort; he frequented Taos, built a toll road over Raton Pass, and with excellent recollection, dictated his life story to Conrad about 1889." Decker II:235; Littell #208 "One of the most authentic and interesting accounts of early life in the Rockies and on the Plains." Eberstadt 104:67; O'Brien #3121 "A very rare book despite its comparatively recent date of publication." Howes C659; Streeter V:3088; Graff #846; Rader #881. First two ffep detached but present. Overall in vg cond.