Valley Of The Upper Wabash, Indiana, With Hints On Its Agricultural Advantages: Plan Of Swelling; Estimates Of Cultivation, And Notices Of Labor-Saving Machines
Ellsworth, Henry William

Pratt, Robinson and Co. 1838. 1st. 175 pgs. Mitchell's United States colored folding map; folding plate of A Home To Build On The Prairie; folding plate of Page's Ditching and Banking Machine and a folding plate of Hussey's Reaping Machine. Howe #E128; Jones #1009; Streeter III:1417 "One of the great prairie immigration pamphlets, very informative from the point of view of the beginning of agriculture on the prairies." Eberstadt 11:198; 112:198; Buck #324 "Considerable informatin on transportation routes." A very nice copy of a scarce book.