Vigilance - The American Vigilance Association - Human Trafficking - 1912

The purpose of the American Vigilance Association was "to suppress and prevent commercialized vice, and to promote the highest standard of public and private morals. To accomplish this purpose, the Association shall strive for the constant, persistent and absolute repression of prostitution and the passage and enforcement of laws, for the rescue and protection of girls and women, for the promotion of knowledge of the social evil, its effects and results, and for the circulation of the best literature regarding it." The magazines are: VIGILANCE - Vol. XXV - No. 4. April, 1912. Published Monthly by the American Vigilance Association. Printed wraps, 22 pgs. Photos. Contents include George J. Kneeland's THE INVESTIGATION OF THE SOCIAL EVIL IN AMERICAN CITIES and Mrs. Ada E. Sheffield's THE PROBLEM OF THE UNMARRIED MOTHER. Vg cond. VIGILANCE - Vol. XXV - No. 5. May 1912. American Vigilance Association. Printed wraps, 22 pgs. Photos. Contents include Jane Addams' THE CHURCH AND THE SOCIAL EVIL and Mrs. Barclay Hazard's PLAN FOR INDUSTRIAL CENTRES FOR WAYWARD GIRLS. Vg cond. VIGILANCE. Vol. XXV - No. 7. July 1912. American Vigilance Association. Printed wraps. 26 pgs. Photo. Contents include Dr. Luther H. Gulick's ROMANCE AND MORALITY and Herbert E. Gernert's LEGISLATION ON THE SOCIAL EVIL. For Colorado it states "A portion of Section 1776 of the Colorado statutes reads as follows: If any person shall...maintain or keep a lewd house or place for the practice of fornication, or shall keep common, ill-governed and disorderly house, to the encouragement of idleness, gaming, drinking, fornication or other misbehavior, every such person shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding $100, or imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding six months. This is the only statute that has been passed in the jurisdiction touching the subject under consideration. (See Colorado Statutes (1910) Chap. 35, Sec. 1776)" Vg cond. VIGILANCE. Vol. XXV - No. 8. August 1912. American Vigilance Association, Printed wraps. 34 pgs. Includes a BRIEF HISTORY OF REGULATION OF VICE and RED LIGHT INJUNCTION LAWS OF IOWA AND NEBRASKA. Vg cond. VIGILANCE. Vol. XX - No. 19. October 1912. American Vigilance Association. Printed wraps. 26 pgs. Includes Marion E. Doud's LOUISIANA LEGALIZES PROSTITUTION and Dr. Evaneline W. Young's SEX AND EDUCATION. Vg cond. VIGILANCE. Vol. XX. November 1912. No.11. American Vigilance Association. Printed wraps. 34 pgs. Includes CHICAGO PROTESTS AGAINST SEGREGATION and THE SEX HYGIEND EXHIBIT AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HYGIENE AND DEMOGRAPHY. Minor front wrap line toning, overall in vg cond. VIGILANCE. Vol.XX. No. 12. December 1912. Americana Vigilance Association. Printed wraps. 26 pgs. Includes an article on THE PROBLEM OF ILLEGITIMACY and Herbert E. Gernert's article BASTARDY. Corner of wrap wrinkled, overall in vg cond.