Wagon Road From The River Missouri....To The River Columbia - 1824

Tarascon, Lewis A, PETITION OF LEWIS A. TARASCON. (AND OTHERS) PRAYING THE OPENING OF A WAGON ROAD, FROM THE RIVER MISSOURI, NORTH OF THE RIVER KANSAS, TO THE RIVER COLUMBIA. December 13, 1824. 18TH CONGRESS - 2d Session. Printed by Gales and Seaton. 1st. 1824. 12 pgs. The first detailed wagon road project for spanning the continent. Tarascon proposed to build a wagon road sixty feet wide from a point north of the Kansas River on the Missouri all the way west to the Pacific Ocean. Bridges were to be built and ferries established by the “Missouri and Columbia Road Company” which was to receive as compensation 40 square miles on either side of the road. Sec. VIII. “Whenever the Indian title is not extinguished yet on any of the lands where the road is to pass, the United States shall, on the demand of the company, have said Indian title extinguished on the course of said road, and on each side of it, to the distance of fifty miles from each one of said sides.” The advantages accruing to the Nation are enthusiastically enumerated. Graff 4067. Three quarter calf. Vg cond.